1-2 October 2025 - Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Home | Speakers | Rubina Shaikh

Rubina Shaikh

Rubina Shaikh is a lecturer in the Division of Pharmacy Practice, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of the Witwatersrand. Rubina Shaikh completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in 2007 and further pursued a Master of Pharmacy degree, qualifying in 2012 with distinction. Rubina is currently undertaking her PhD entitled: Design and development of an electronic prescribing system for use by authorized prescribers and pharmacists in Gauteng.

Rubina’s research focus centres around digitalization in the health care industry, and as such, she heads the research interest group entitled DOSe (Digital Operating Systems for eHealth), with the vision of “leading healthcare progression through the facilitation of digitalization on the African continent”. DOSe has undertaken to provide meaningful insights that may drive efficient and effective processes, services and advice within the healthcare industry, by providing research outputs that enables cost effective, customer centric operations and innovative solutions that drive profitability and expands service offerings.

Rubina’s academic background has provided me the expertise for subsequent appointment as an Assessor with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC), where she is currently serving as a CPD Assessor for Intern Submissions since 2020. She has further extended her contribution as a Subject Matter Expert for Pharmacy Practice on the Panel overseeing the Monitoring and Accreditation of Academic Institutions offering the B. Pharm program.

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